Tuesday, August 13, 2013

To all my Lefties!

It's National Left-Handed Day! So this post is dedicated to all those who share my struggle, this article, The 18 Worst Things For Left-Handed People , was circulating all over Facebook so I'm posting a few that I HATE the most about everything being made with right handed people in mind.


Most of the lecture halls at UK look exactly like this! Can you imagine taking a two hour final with your back twisted to write on this stupid desk.

2. This is how my hand looks almost everyday!

This is how my hand would look after sitting in class writing pages and pages of notes, not to mention my notes are all smudged because it's hard to keep my hand from rubbing across the page as I'm writing.

3. Yes, this sucks too!

It's pretty hard to write with 3 stupid rings in your way! So I always take the loose leaf paper out and write that way, much easier.

4. Ballpoint pens don't work as well because lefties push the ball instead of pull.

This is so true! I always wondered why pens I use would stop up all the time but now I know, and I had no idea it had to do with me being left handed.

Ok, so that is my little rant of the day! Happy National Left-Handed Day to all my lefties :)


1 comment:

  1. I loved this post! And my hand looks like that too LOL. Sending love your way<3


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